Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wittle Spider

  Hi guys! The new item of the day is the itsy bisty spider!

What? Why is it called giant?!?!?! The world may never know....

But it seems the little spider is just as small as all the same of his kind, but the big spider is teeny!

They didn't take it well after I confronted them...

Stay awesome!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Hi guys!

Welcome, welcome all! This is the animal jam forest!

   Here you learn all about our wonderful Animal Jam!

As I am too lazy to collect my own information and furthermore, I get most of my graphics from vms915 and her all amazing...

Animal Jam Nox!

You should visit it today!

And I'll get most of my item pictures from MisterChunkyBuddy who owns

Animal Jam Cheats and Codes!

So.. Have a good day!

Avvy G