Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Phantom Cage

  Let's try and make this a daily blog! New posts, polls, pages, all the p's! I'm not changing the music, if you would like an animal jam playlist, ask me which music you want and I'll get it for you! Anyway, I know there are only 3 followers, but let's spread the word, ok?

First off, today we have the phantom cage sold at the Adventure Shop at Base Camp for 1,400 gems.

You can change the color of the sparks we'll call them, and I chose green as you can see! 

Now, I use my inspirations ideas to my will, so I'm pondering the idea of setting up posts by calendar to make them cooler and such. What is your idea on that? Let's get some followers! 

Today, to start off, I'll have my.. criticism column! This is where I write my fairly critical thoughts about AJ and other websites. Now, let's go to Club Penguin. 

I know most of you jammers like Club Penguin, I played it, that's it. I thought it was very member involved, just like Webkinz. It seems sites start off great until it goes all wacko where they make you pay to do everything, but on animal jam they're getting the notice their jammers feel that way, thus giving nonmems small tokens, access to all games, gradual access to all adventures, access to furnishing their den, access to cool clothes, pet hamsters (in my opinion their the cutest other than kittens, so it's very fair, and if you where member your hamsters have their old clothes!), and so much more! What are you critical about?

Stay awesome! 
Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!

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